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Signzy: Generic Onboarding System

About the organisation: Signzy is an AI-powered fintech company offering a digital onboarding solution for banks, NBFCs (Nonbank Financial Companies), and other financial institutions. I have been working with Signzy for the last 1.5 years (Aug 2020 - Mar 2022).

About the product : The product Generic onboarding is all in one solution from Signzy to create user onboarding and KYC applications powered by AI-backed APIs. As per our services, any bank who would want to create an onboarding (or KYC verification) application with us, would submit their requirements and developers code those applications for client. This would happen individually for each new application request.

  • This model was very time consuming for developers since each application was made from scratch.

  • Given the tight deadlines, little focus was given the UX when compared to the functionality.

  • The final UI experienced by any applicant was very monotonous since only Google material's components were being used with no branding.

  • The client's brand was not communicated to their new applicants.

  • Missing UX fundamentals

Stakeholders to be affected
  • Signzy's internal developers

  • Clients (banks and other NBFCs)

  • Clients' users (new applicants who intended to get onboarded with these clients)

My role

Product Designer


Improve UX of an applicant while communicating client's brand and standardising the process of application creation for internal developers

Team (Phase 1)

Abhiraj Choudhary (Product designer), Akshat Anuj (Business analyst), Harshit Karia (PM), Chitrangada Patra (Senior PM)

Team (Phase 2)

Dinesh K (Product design manager), Sanad (Product Designer), Sejal (Design intern, user tester)


5 + 6 (~11) months


Improved UX, setup application creation process, customised user journeys for ~10,000 daily applicants

Original designs

There are different ways a client might want to verify an applicant's details. These could be, document verification, OCR based information extraction, information matching against a government authorised database, video call based verification etc.

Presenting a few pages for the below use cases.

V1: OCR based information extraction from documents

V1: Information fetching from govt. authorised databases


As we suspected, because of a few unavoidable lengthy forms. applicants were getting confused as to which action to take first along with other issue mentioned in the top section. Hence, the solution included a guided approach. Presenting below the design solutions:

V2: OCR based information extraction from documents

V2: Information fetching from govt. authorised databases

V2: Mobile support with themes

V2: Design system

Admin portal

An admin portal was created to create pages of an application and combining them together with rules and logics to create an onboarding application. The main purpose of this portal was to bring all API based modules together and allow easy application creation for internal Signzy users.

Positive results
  • Improved application completion rates by 12%

  • Client representatives issues regarding brand completion was addressed

  • Repeated clicks were reduced

  • Developer involvement has reduced significantly and with the plug-n-play modal, each journey can be configured by a trained "config engineer" in a no-code fashion

  • Overall application completion time got increased.

  • Average time spent on a single page on task increased by 20%

  • Average number of (non-repeated) user clicks increased

  • Feedback from the clients regarding repeated pages, thus redundant pages, being showed


Phase 2

Feedback received
  • Repeated pages

  • Guided steppers were useful in some cases but were redundant in many

  • No micro-interactions

  • Mobile version too cluttered

  • Overall application completion time either remained same or even increased in a few cases

To our surprise, while a few thing got fixed, many flaws and problems were created as a result of the previous solutions provided. The reason behind that, in my opinion, is not enough user testing and design validation before sending the designs for development. However, the modular approach of making smaller repeatable application components in form of widgets worked great! Also, this time we focused on a mobile first approach and designed the mobile versions before the desktop ones.

Revised solutions

V3: OCR based information extraction from documents

  • Mobile first approach

  • More white space and reduced multi colour combination for increased clarity.

  • Customisable brand themes

  • Micro-interactions for user's delight and make the experience more intuitive

  • No repetitive and review pages.

V3: Information fetching from govt. authorised databases

V3: QR Docs auto detection

Positive results (User testing)
  • One design intern helped us in conducting user testing and getting feedback before send the revised solutions to developers and the response was positive. It was qualitative in nature.

  • Users were experience faster application completion times.

  • Clients branding support was sustained.

  • Mobile version was more cleaner

At the time of writing this, the designs were still being developed but unfortunately, I have plans to leave the organisation for pursuing higher education. Which is why, I would not be able to collect the quantitative data during my tenure.

Thank you for your attention!

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